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Storyline ...
Beudventura is situated on the most northern point of Colombia, and is the preferred channel for drug cartels and gangs who wish to move contraband with minimum interference from law enforcement. During the last few years it has made world wide news with the death of drug lord Don Antonio who's empire was worth in the region of 18 billion US dollars and other well known cartel leaders like the late Mr X who ran the feared Mexican gang Los Lobons and are apparently still active in the region. However the town has been cleaned up recently after an unknown source pumped millions of dollars into the border anti drug unit known as COBRA, who used the money to recruit new officers and equipment to fight the drug / gang problems in the town. COBRA has now successfully reduced the criminal activity resulting in businesses returning to the area to trade once more.
Furthermore local business entrepreneur Klaus Feelherm was recently elected as Beudventura local Mayor and has signed a contract deal with the Mexican Federal Reserve where gold bullion and cash heading for Kentucky's famous Fort Knox will be stored in the new Beudeventura state of the art bank vaults whilst awaiting transfer. This has reassured other businesses like the famous Mexican jewellery quarter BLUE GEM as a positive step and have since also opened up a new jewellery centre in the town. The COBRA police chief also welcomed this new financial stability to the area but warned that it also attracts potential criminal activity. However the chief also stated that he was confident that any criminal issues that may arise in the town will be wiped out quickly and effectively by COBRA.
The Beudventura News however quoted 'Generally the streets are clean of cocaine' but recent local speculation is that a new class A drug is thriving in the way of pharmaceutical means. MDMA and other various pills and tablet forms are now being administered and distributed by local gangs and criminals. Some sources say that the Los Lobon gang who control half of the town have gained ways of manipulating individuals to transport these drugs via their local underground network. COBRA and local officials are still investigating but no leads are being followed up as of yet.

Meanwhile on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, an oil tycoon recently discovers that his prize stallion has been kidnapped and being held by the Los Lobon gang. Furious, he hires a band of biker gangs to retrieve his horse and cause as much mayhem and disruption in Beudeventura including the demise of the Los Lobons. The Black Widows are known for human trafficking, vigilantism and illegal arms trafficking!
Beudeventura is about to have a very bad day!
18th / 19th September 2021
CAMP SPARTA : Postcode: DN21 4HZ
Arrivals: 17th Sept 1800H - 2300H / 18th Sept 0600 - 0800H
PRICE £95 TOTAL / Online booking of £45 deposit (plus fees) / – Remainder to be paid on arrival.
24HR EVENT. Starts 18th - 1100H FINISHES 1100H 19th