Beudeventura City News Article:
A bitter struggle between rival Mexican cartels to control cocaine trafficking routes in Beudventura has erupted in a day of bloodshed inside several high-security prisons which left 16 inmates dead. Many of the victims were butchered with chainsaws or beheaded with machetes.
As security forces battled to retake the Beudeventura penitentiary's scores of bodies were found dumped in bathrooms and corridors, piled and burned in courtyards, or even stuffed into air ducts.
A day earlier, graphic images posted on social media showed inmates from rival gangs Los Rojas and Los Cuervos fighting with machetes, guns and grenades , in the third - and by far the deadliest – prison riot this year. Governor Nino Juan told Beud City News reporter “This kind of depraved violence has grown as gangs fight for control of the prisons, “The violence; the dismemberment, the decapitation, is a strategy to sow terror among the prisoners to gain territorial control – not just inside the prisons but outside.”
"The prison system has collapsed!” said Governor Nino Juan and “mistakes have been made” by the authorities resulting in dangerous gang members not being relocated to maximum-security prisons, and a shortage of hundreds of prison security workers for the country’s 30,000 inmates.
Governor Nino Juan also stated the situation was made worse, because organized crime had penetrated government institutions, and corruption meant firearms and other weapons could be easily smuggled in resulting in us losing control of the prison system. "This has left me with no choice but to go into full lock down in an attempt to restore order". The fear of having this rivalry in the biggest penitentiary in Beudeventura is hanging in a balance. Who knows who will strike first, and if it does, can the prison officers and Governor hold control!?
Beudeventura News.